Estimated members: 2000 members; they’re said to be Australia’s largest bikie gang.
Territory: Estimated to be 70 chapters across Australia.
Violence: Bandidos Sergeant-at-Arms, Sasha Milenkovic and two fellow members were all shot dead execution-style by two Rebels in a Sydney nightclub in 1997.
- In 1997, the Rebels were linked to the shooting death of housewife Jane Thurgood Dove, who was chased and shot in front of her children at her home. The real target of the hit was another blonde woman in the same street.
- In 2000, a Rebels nominee was charged with the murder of a couple in the ACT.
Deaths: 1999 was an especially brutal year for the Rebels: three members were shot dead in an Adelaide ambush; former Rebel Sergeant-at-Arms Paul William Wheeler disappeared; and Rebel Paul Summers died in a machine-gun ambush while asleep at the Rebels’ clubhouse in Gosford, NSW.
- In 2001, convicted amphetamine dealer and Rebels associate Terry Falconer was abducted while on day-release from Silverwater prison and his dismembered remains were found in a river.
- Last month, two senior Rebels members were shot dead in Canberra, with a long-time Rebels member claiming shootings were a result from a bitter love triangle.
Sunday, 10 October 2010

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