Thursday, 23 June 2011

A GANG of bikies was paid by Robert Geeves to abduct and kill his intellectually impaired 19-year-old lover so he could keep their baby.

A GANG of bikies was paid by Robert Geeves to abduct and kill his intellectually impaired 19-year-old lover so he could keep their baby.

Her body was chopped up, frozen and buried, a Sydney inquest heard yesterday.

Joel McCorkindale told the court through a video link that an acquaintance of his, Podje, told him of the murder of Amber Haigh, and was convinced by family members to come forward to police last year. "I didn't want to hear it," he said.

Counsel assisting the coroner Peter Hamill SC read excerpts of Mr McCorkindale's statement.

"Podje told me they got one of the people to cut her throat," he read from the statement.

"One of the bikies grabbed her, cut her and put her in the freezer.

"Robert Geeves paid money to kill her so he could keep his son."

Mr Geeves sat on his own in the courtroom presided over by Deputy State Coroner Scott Mitchell with a vacant expression on his face, as the gruesome accusations were read out.

The inquest has heard that police and the Haigh family believe that Amber, who lived with Mr Geeves and his wife before her disappearance, was being used as a surrogate to give the married couple a child.

Mr McCorkindale said earlier he had been told that Haigh was buried under a lemon tree on Mr Geeves' property near Young in southern NSW.

Several community health officials who had come into contact with Haigh proceeded to tell the court she was a "vulnerable teenager".


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